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Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix headshot


Height:5' 10" (1.78 m)

Trademarks:Guitar solos and heavy riffs Fender Stratocaster Played a right handed guitar left handed Would often smash his guitar and/or light it on fire after a show Brightly colored outfits Pink headband Afro and thin moustache


Click the name of the film below for more details including synopsis, trailer, premiere, reviews and the option to create a showing alert

Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World

Directed By: Catherine Bainbridge and Alfonso Maiorana Starring: Randy Castillo, George Clinton, Taylor Hawkins...
Released in UK cinemas Saturday 30th September 2017 Age Rating: TBC Runtime: 103 mins Language: English Next Showing: Unknown


Directed By: Alex Winter Starring: Frank Zappa, Gail Zappa, Jimi Hendrix...
Released in UK cinemas Saturday 19th March 2022 Age Rating: 15 Runtime: 129 mins Language: English Next Showing: Unknown
Please note that although the UK cinema release date schedule on old.FilmDates.co.uk is updated regularly, a release date can change at very short notice. Usually the closer a film is to its release date, the less likely its release date (and any other information) will change.
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Last update was at 09:11 7th February 2025